Sunday 16 March 2008

Trials of Photoshop

Yes. I know what you're thinking. Why does she inflict this upon herself? Well the answer is because I won't get anywhere without learning a few Photoshop basics. Sad but true.

None of these are finished masterpieces, they're just me messing around. I've learnt the wonders of the clone stamp tool and I think, finally mastered the concept of layers. The end results don't look like much but as a learning exercise it has gone a long way to boosting my confidence. I think I'll fiddle around with the last two a bit more, perhaps colour the figures in properly but I quite liked my scratchy drawings against the block colour background. I'm planning on doing a picture book about Suburbia, and these were just some preliminary sketches I started doing when I couldn't face Photoshop any more.

I have loads of things to post up here. To follow soon are some scans of the book I made for a batch production project, some large A2 work that i need to get scanned and my project about Kenny the inbred white tiger....

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